Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Shifting Priorities

On a train ride home Saturday afternoon two beautiful little black girls boarded the car, bouncing gleefully with huge smiles accompanied by two adults, one female the other male. The parents looked on as the girls giggled and whispered to one another while making faces. I couldn't help but stare and I began to wonder, "What if I had children? What would they look like? Would they be mini-me's? Would girls be better suited for me?" I suddenly began to tear up at the girls' innocence, at how truly special children are and maybe I would consider having my own in the future. As I departed the train car, a baby began howling rather loudly and my first real spark of maternal interest died a little.

On the heels of recent pregnancy announcements from two of my girlfriends and my impending 25th birthday later this year, I've realized the need to re-assess some of my life goals, desires and needs.