Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Another Again

Someone special recently told me I was an inspiration. It surprised me and I was moved by their honesty. Never before had I thought I could or perhaps should be anyone's inspiration. There are so many chinks and sloppily glued cracks in this armour that I would be embarrassed if people really knew what I sometimes thought of myself. I am the biggest work in progress there is, but I've managed to hide huge chunks of my emotions only releasing them occasionally in small bursts until I feel ready to implode. Today I was a complete emotional wreck. Matter of fact, I woke up on the wrong side of my bed Monday morning, kicking off my day -rather my week so far- with such foulness that I haven't been able to shake since. Tuesday morning decided it would not be outdone and I ended up having to talk myself through the beginnings of a panic attack which I haven't had in several months.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Ramblings Before An Apocalypse

It is 17 days into the New Year and I didn't create any resolutions, amendments or promises to myself but I am beginning to adapt a new outlook on how I handle situations and my reactions to them. 2010 ended with a close friend of mine asking me about what I was going to change for the New Year. I smirked and replied, "What's so different about the New Year that I can't do tomorrow? Hell, today?" I launched into my tirade about how tired I was of hearing folks come up with lists of changes and waiting for another year to usher in the "New." Pathetic.