Monday, April 5, 2010

Forever Young

Saturday, I went to "First Saturdays" at the Brooklyn Museum with my mom and step dad. I was meeting up with one of my good friends from college to catch up. As we strolled through exhibits in our heels we shared our love woes, as hers is similar to mine and vice versa. It seems as though everyone is having relationship issues these days. We found a bench tucked within the Egyptian artifacts exhibit and we related, laughed and pondered. Then it dawned on me that in a few weeks she'll be turning the big two-five and I didn't have much longer until I neared that turning point either. When the hell did that happen? I swear I was just filling out college applications, figuring out if I would be attending my high school prom, cutting class and experimenting with my friends. It all flew by so quickly...

Not that I would want those days back. Sadly, during my teenage experience I always wanted to be an adult. I wanted the freedom that adulthood promised, never needing to answer to anyone since I led a very sheltered childhood. But I lived it, I liked it give or take a few mishaps, but I don't want it again, thank God. With the invention of Facebook and statuses, I've noticed most of my high school and college peers have started families (gasp!) and marriage (yikes!), and I feel as though I haven't even started "adulthood." But to be fair, I never wanted children or marriage, hence why I couldn't wait to embrace freedom at twenty-one. But it still feels as though they "appear" to lead fuller lives rather than an empty one, and I'm scratching my head trying to figure out how do I go about making my life a little more worthier before that big two-five. I guess I have a deadline and some goals to accomplish. Get ready for my list to come.

By the by, my internship starts tomorrow! *Crosses fingers and toes.

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