Friday, September 3, 2010

Just My Two Cents: Marriage

Marriage within the Biblical Christian faith was/is believed to illustrate the relationship between Christ and the Church; it also receives social, economic and political recognition within many societies. In many cultures it's also perceived as a business transaction of sorts (e.g. dowries, bride price) that benefits the husband because women were (sometimes still) considered "chattel" or property and expected to fulfill responsibilities concerning the household, husband and children.

Fast forward to today and the divorce rate in America is purportedly close to 50%. What's the direct cause? Many can speculate, but considering this country's declining moral compass and the ratio of women to men, one wouldn't need to think too hard on the possibilities. In my humble opinion, I agree with certain points that were made in the video commentary (unnecessary cussing and all), simply because of the unhappy marriages I've witnessed within my short lifetime. His animated point on when he hears about a marriage not working out was on target, "And it's so stupid for people to say, 'Oh marriage doesn't work'...Its not about marriage, its about...your relationship didn't work. You dumbass motherfucker!" Most folks I know who's marriage ended in divorce or is currently on the outs, usually never had any business being married  since it may have been out of some twisted sort of convenience. Also, justifying a relationship before God only to end in divorce, is a slap in His face as well as utterly time consuming and ridiculously expensive.

I understand anyone's decision to marry and I respect it (even if it may be for nefarious reasons -Translation = entrapment), but you won't catch me, in his words, "...Walk[ing] down the aisle like the fucking pope or some shit." Just my two cents.

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